Thank you for your
Click on the links
below to either print a volunteer form
or fill one out
Ticket gate-follow instruction from Team Leader, sell
patron tickets,cash/credit
Hrs: Fri.-aftrn and or evening
Sat.-morn,aftrn, or evening (til close)
Sun.-morn, aftrn (til close)
Dirt crew- seeking young energetic, strong bodied indiv.
to help with
set up stages,signs,tables chairs fencing,flags,move equip.
Hrs: Pre-festival Wedn. & Thurs.
Festival fri. sat. sun.(any/all shifts)
Brochure distribution- need individual to supervise and
be responsible for
getting team of vols. together to distribute/restock
brochures, posters, flyers throughout CT,RI,NY
Hrs: Prefestival, starting in May of 07
Handicap Golf Cart Drivers- (must be over 21) drive carts
and shuttle handicap
and others who have difficulty ambulating.
Hrs: Fri.- aftrn, and or evening (til close)
Sat.- late morn,aftrn,early eve,late (til close)
Sun.-very early morn and or aftrn (til close)
Volunteer Check In- check in all vols,give badges,give
vol. vests,give info to new
volunteers as needed .
Hrs: Thurs. late aftrn (til close)
Fri.- aftrn,late aftrn (til close)
Sat.-morn,aftrn,early eve.
Sun.-morn (til close)
Go-fers- may be asked to various tasks ex; handout
souvenirs, assist with just about anything, fill in/cover venues
Hrs: Fri.- late aftrn
Sat. morn, aftrn, late aftrn
Sun-morn, aftrn
Beverages- seeking strong /physically fit individuals to
supply & set up all
Venues with beer/wine/ wtr/ice etc. using utility carts.
Hrs: Starting Thurs.- aftrn, Fri-all day/evening
Sat.- all day/evening, Sun.- all day (til close +)
Also Venues: Office, Pre-Fest, Tents, Host Homes,
Hospitality & Finance Office
Need volunteers as in years past...
A MINIMUM of 8-10 hours are required for a festival pass!
For a volunteer form
that you can print and mail to the Jazz Festival, please click HERE.
To fill a volunteer
form out online, please click HERE.
If you have interest
in being on the Jazz Festival board, please click