

PO Box 415

121 Leesville Road

Moodus, CT  06469


"The Most Unique Resort In America"





Company Outings

School Class Trips




From an afternoon picnic

themed reception, to a weekend

long, activity filled event,

Sunrise makes it special.


Click Here to View the Waterfront

Pavilion Food Options


Call 1-800-225-9033

to discuss options, request

a brochure, or set up

a tour.



To View Sample "picnic style"

Menus, please choose below

"Most Basic" Menu

"Middle of the Road" Menu

"Executive" Menu



Ceremonies can be held

at Arthur's Paradise

(adjacent to the Echo Farm

Nature Preserve), along

the Salmon River, or at the

"Lodge Gazebo" (pictured above).   You may also

go off property to your

preferred location or church.

























































Full weekend wedding packages

are available for our regular

vacationers, attend the ceremony,

have a reception and other

wedding-party-only activities,

and depart on Sunday.

Usually the reception is paid

by one party and the rest

is paid by individual guests.