MapQuest to Sunrise - 121 Leesville Road, Moodus CT
From Boston:
Mass Pike to Exit 9 for Hartford-NY,
42 miles on I-84 to Exit 55 marked Route 2 East,
Norwich-New London. Route 2 for 14 miles to Exit 13.
Right on Route 66 West for 4 miles. Left on Route
196 South for 6 miles. Bear left on Route 151 South
for 1 mile to Sunrise on the right.
From New York or Providence:
Interstate 95 to Exit 69 at Old Saybrook. Inland on
Route 9 for 10 miles to Exit 7. Left on Route 82. At
light go right, over the East Haddam Bridge. Left on
Route 149 for three miles. Left on Route 151 for 1
mile to Sunrise Resort on the left.
From New York:
Merritt Parkway or Interstate 91 to
Middletown-Meriden exit. Right on Route 66 East for
13 miles to Cobalt. Right on Route 151 South for 7
miles to Sunrise Resort on the right.
Check preferred train to Old Saybrook.